Set Transaction Status (Allow output for "Failed" status)

Any particular reason why “Output” are not allowed for “Failed” status?

Many times the fail could happen at the end of the process (or due to a business reason). The output collection will still provide valuable structural feedbacks.

I am currently cheating the system by using a pair of such activities instead (one to set to sucess and input output; one to change back to fail). It seems to work just fine, but leaves confusing trial for audit.

Hi @huangsuixi,
Thank you for your suggestion. I added it to our internal ideas tracker for our team to consider.

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Hi @Pablito,

I’m having the same issue with the output being limited to “successful” transaction only. This is preventing an opportunity as we need to track output of failed items to ensure the correct remediation is followed.

Also, being able to use the custom Transaction Progresses would help also but this seems mostly limited to transaction items that are in the ‘in-process’ status only. When I failed a transaction and then retried it (by clicking within Orchestrator) the progress was null on the new item. We’re running 2019.10 currently.

Anything you could do is much appreciated.

One up!
Are there any news on this feature?

This has been fixed with Analytics data that you can attach to the transaction.

When I try to attach Analytics to a failed transaction, I get the same error. Is there any reason that output cannot be used for a Failed transaction? Being able to capture logs and workflow data is just as important for transactions that fail as those that succeed.

Can’t use analytics either, giving me the same error.

This is an absolute must-have feature.

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The Set Transaction Status activity now has both Output and Analytics data present in Orchestrator even when the status of the item is Failed.


Can you try to upgrade the UiPath.System.Activities package to 22.10.3 and retry?

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