Is there any way to implement the ability to order the Output dictionary via drag and drop interface like in other areas of studio?
Yes we should always add them in the order that we with them to come out in, but sometimes one may need to be added in and if it does the dictionary effectively has to have the rows deleted and re-added in the new order
I would like for instance we have an automation that has a set of information as in the input queue item. Then the automation extracts the information from a website then upload sit back to the queue item on completion.
If we were to down load the transaction items as a spreadsheet its helpful that the input column order matches the output column order.
When developing not only this automation but others, when creating the dictionary in the set transaction status you would have to make sure that every item that you input goes in the correct order. Now if you made a mistake in the order you would have to go back and delete all the rows back to the error and re enter the items. OR if you say added another item that needed to be earlier in the list you would need to delete all previous entries add your item in then add all the deleted items back in.
For instance if another input column was added, where the blue line is, to have the out put column in the same order I would need to remove all the dictionary items in the set transaction status add the new one in then re add all the items. (Bear in mind that this list is about 20 rows long)