Output dictionary - Set Transaction Status

Hi community :wave:

I have a dictionary (of String,Object) I use as part of an excel output for each transaction. Lets call the variable “Dict1”

I am looking to output Dict1 and its values as the output within “SetTransactionStatus” rather than listing each individual item. I was aiming to make the output values dynamic based upon the Keys within the Dict.

I was hoping to just change the Type to a dictionary and then simply pass Dict1 but it doesn’t seem possible. Seems to be reliant on a string as the Key.

Can anyone suggest alternatives?




Studio and Orchestrator version: 2023.10

Any advice is appreciated.



How about converting Dict1 to a json string and append that string instead?

jsonDict1 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(Dict1)


Thank you @ptrobot - thinking this might be my only good option :sweat_smile:

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