Hello everyone,
I’m attempting to change the value of 18 items in the “in_Transaction” variable to 0. This change is necessary when the string in the “BAS04, BAS05, BAS06, BAS11 etc.” field of the “in_TransactionItem” variable equals "€ - ". The reason for this change is because the current expression, which converts the value of the “BAS04” field to a numeric value, cannot handle the "€ - " string. My current expression that throws an error:
If(in_TransactionItem.SpecificContent(“BAS04”).ToString.Trim.Equals(" - “), “0”, CDbl(in_TransactionItem.SpecificContent(“BAS04”).ToString.Replace(“€”,”").Trim).ToString(“N2”, system.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(“de-DE”)))
Thanks in adance,