Practice Assignment in level 3 -Calculate HashCode Security

Hi , i have an issue and i can’t fix it.

Did you change the TransactionNumber variable in Main file? It must to be 1.

Yes I change it but it is the same.

Looks like List is empty. Please recheck once

Please check the arguments passed between Main and GetTransactionData. Is it correct?

List is not when i debug i see the list and when i print the Wlist.Count i have 11.

I think this argument out_TransactionItem is empty and i don’t know what value this have to take

Did you import the Arguments?

Yes i import the Arguments . You can see it in the previous screenshot

Please Assign out_Transactionitem to TransactionItem while invoking.

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where i do the assign activity in the main?

I mean bind value while invoke

i create a variable where i put the out_transactionItem argument after i assign this value to the variable Transaction Item

If you don’t understand my issue i can send you my files

Also can you chesk if these asssign activities in the if statement are correct.

I mean here. Bind the Value to Transactionitem

I do that but still the same error.

Who have assigned transaction I’d to Out_transactionitem now While you invoke please bind out_transactionitem to TransactionItem.

Hello it is okay bThanks you. I have this warning i think the cause is i don’t increment transaction number. Where i have to do that?

If you are using Re-Framework the transaction number increment is in Set transaction

But in the walkthrough we ask to remove the three activities in Set Transaction?

Please go through the walk-through once again it says remove the set transaction status as we are not using queues here.