Server stack trace Error and exception rethrown at [0]

I publish my process to be able to use it in another machine. This machine only have uipath robot and assistant not studios. When i launch on machine with studios it work fine. Already try to restart the uipath Robot

It seem the get password is my issue. i try without it in the machine work fine but i need the password form the get password how to i do it?


Usually get password Encrypts a password by associating it with the current user.
And Only workflows running under the current user context can decrypt the password.
That’s the reason why it is failing

But still We got an another option of saving the credentials either in

  1. Windows credentials
  2. Asset - credentials
  3. Config file

If you have orchestrator connection then go for second option

If you don’t have orchestrator then choose either first or second

Windows credentials means

And if it’s from config file means
Then read the xlsx file with excel activity and pass the value from the DATATABLE read from read range activity

Hope this clarifies

Cheers @BenjenB

Ok thank you
I will try one of the solution you provide

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