Sending summary email after completion of queue

Hi all,

I need to send a summary email to a group of people after a queue has been completed by Orchestrator. I thought I could do it at the end state of the REFramework, but I have multiple robots working on the queue and only want to send a single email at the end. Can this be done in Studio or Orchestrator? The process needs to count the number of successful transactions and report how many were done.


In studio also you can do it. Once all transactions completed it will go to No data transition in Get TransactionData state. You can trigger mail there. It will send mail once all items completed in the queue.

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Thanks @lakshman.

But won’t this cause several emails to be sent as once all items are completed every robot will follow the no data transition path? I only need one email to be sent.

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You can put flag variable and intialized it to 1. If it is first time then send mail and increment the value. When it comes to second time it won’t trigger mail. You have to write logic something like this.

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You can count how many itens still to be processed in queue, if 0, send the email.

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Thanks. Is there a way to add a further condition of checking whether the other robots have finished (so the last running robot sends the report for maximum accuracy?)

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You could use something from here for further help: Number of Queue Items