Is there any limitations for sending keys using send hotkey activity in UiPath.
I’m trying to use send hotkey activity for one of the ui elements when I’m sending down or shift+down key its working but when I’m using end or shift+end it’s not working.
I am trying to find the cause but I’m unable to understand what could be the reasons for this.
In debug mode, intermittently shift+end is working.
Can any one help on this.
Hello @harshikakhatri269
Try this
- Use delay activity between different hotkeys.
- Try and check manually whether the hotkey works or not.
- Indicate the UI if it does nit indicated.
- Try with CTRL+END
Hello @harshikakhatri269
Hope you are using the classic activity. Can you try the modern activity, Keyboard shortcuts activity?
With delay also it didn’t work.
Manually hotkeys are working
Element is getting highlighted
Ctrl+end also didn’t work.
Thanks for ths suggestion.
@Rahul_Unnikrishnan yes, I’m using classic activities but I’ll try for modern one.
Thanks for the suggestion
What is the input mode for the hotkey activity? I know that UiPath says that hotkeys are not supposed to work for “simulate” type inputs.
As far as I know, Send Hotkey does not work in PiP mode (at least not reliably so).