Kind people
The Send Exchange Mail Message has a default value of 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).
I’m trying to set this value less.
I’d set it to 8000, but the timeout is still waiting for 30 seconds.
Why is it not decreasing the timeout?
Kind people
The Send Exchange Mail Message has a default value of 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds).
I’m trying to set this value less.
I’d set it to 8000, but the timeout is still waiting for 30 seconds.
Why is it not decreasing the timeout?
Hi @bjorn2390,
This behavior seems weird as it should override the default setting. I suggest logging a support ticket to get more detailed insight. Said that, have you tried changing the defaults in the project settings?
Thank’s for the idea, @Edwin_Barahona - I could try this temorary to see if it actually override the settings for the Send Exchange Mail Message, but it would also decrease the timeout settings for every other parts of the project. That’s not wanted.