Selector can't decide window on PowerBi

Hello dear UiPath-Community,

I am currently writing my Bachelor-thesis, so every response would be very much appreciated. I am new to UiPath and I couldn’t figure this error out for 5 hours.

I am trying to click on the table called “Tabelle1” and then to the button “Laden” (see PowerBI.png). But unfortunately, because the front window “navigator” opens after some activities, I get an error if I use the click activity to click on the table. I get the following error:

“The specified combination of selector, filter and scope is not supported.”

I have also tried it with an “Anchor Base” using Find Element & Click activities but this also didn’t work out.

I am guessing that the problem is with the selector and that it doesn’t recognize the new front window (navigator) that opens.

I am thankful for every response :slight_smile:

Best regards,

Hi @eak

Please launch UiExplorer and highlight the element “Tabelle1” - check if the UiExplorer can give you any thing. Th UiExplorer should provide you clues if the selector value is stable and static or dynamic. Screenshot the UiExplorer output for “Tabelle1” and also button “Laden” for analysis.

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Dear @GreenTea,

thank you very much for your response.

I have the following outputs from the UiExplorer (see screenshots).

Thank you. I hope to solve this error ASAP :confused:


Hi @eak

The selector for “Tabelle1” is not unique. Please change to click image activity.

The selector for “Laden” looks almost right but you have to add aaname=Laden to make it stable.