UIExplorer can find element but fails at run time and Edit Selector fails

I had an automation that used “Type into” to enter a search item into a Power BI slicer. This worked last time I used it but not it is erroring out with:

Type Into ‘Chrome_RenderWidgetHost…’: Cannot find the UI element corresponding to this selector:

I was able to go into UIExplorer and get it to select the correct text box:

but it still fails when I run it and I can’t get selector editor to validate.

Any ideas?

in ui expolrer try to add more properties and check once.
otherwise use ui automation next activities for type into.

Hi @chris.bednara

Spy the element one more time in another Type Into and compare both selectors (this one not working and the new one) and see what properties are changing so you can either make it dynamic or select different properties