I am using UIPath Studi for the 1st time with no experience in VBA coding or HTML. I am using the Studio to Open Salesforce & download a report but I am stuck. The process is getting stuck on the ‘Edit’ button & the error is the ‘Cannot find the UI Element corresponding to this selector’
I did a look through the forums & this seems a common problem but due to my inexperience I cannot follow the solutions
I would appreciate any help on how to get UIPath to select the ‘Edit’ button
Seems like your selector is not stable.
To make it stable you should use relative selector.
Open the uiexplorer and indicate the Drop Down Arrow first.
Then again from uiexplorer select indicate anchor and indicate the edit button as an anchor.
In uipath studio go to UI explorer click on the indicate element and try to redefine the selector and highlight the arrow where you can take that selector and use it for click activity