Selecting an item on a dropdown menu in recorder

Hello Masters,

I am currently trying to run a robot that:

  1. Opens internet explorer
  2. Navigates to a webpage
  3. Signs into a database
  4. Navigates to the correct query table
  5. Selects the criteria from a list of drop-down boxes
  6. Saves the resulting excel output into a specific folder.

I everything working perfectly using the Desktop recorder until step 6. I am attaching a picture of the UI I am working with.

On the top box for Year, I am trying to select 2019 which means I have to click 10 times on the little down arrow for that box. I do it and it works fine but then when I play back my recording, it cannot find the selector. I am attaching a photo of my activity pane.

Does anyone know how I can select 2019 from that dropdown box and then click “select all” beneath Month and Payment Type, the click finished?

Thank you!

Is it not possible to click first and afterwards you send hot keys?

From these boxes, i’m trying to select 2019 from the first box. In order to find 2019, I need to scroll down but when I click on the box, it gives me the full list of items in the box. I select 2019 that way but when I play the recording, it cannot find the selector.

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