Select company name with industry list in linkedin

If I selected company Names as Accenture and I want to select the Industry type as Information Technology & Services how to select in drop-down list. Can you assist me

Hi @Aafsana,

Welcome to the Uipath Community! :smiley:

Use the Select Item Activity.

Hi Aafsana,

Welcome to UiPath community.
There are various options available to perform this, but for that first you understand the system behaviour on which you are going to perform these options…
1.You can use Type into activity and indicate the dropdown and specify the required text as input.(If typing in that box results in displaying the matched service)
2.You can use click activity to click on the dropdown and click text activity to further click on the text.
3.Use a click activity to click on dropdown and another click activity to type require service, Update the aaname of selector with variable and pass the required service name to That variable.
Hope these helps!

If I selected company Names as Accenture and I want to select the Industry type as Information Technology & Services how to select in a drop-down list. so how we can change the dynamic selectors part to scrap the data if the company name change occurs… I want to scrap the data i.e. website, industry, company size…I want to open a company website in new tab and employee size in another tab…Can you assist me.

Hi Shivagowdavard,

Thanks for your reply.Kindly please check the below details.

Thanks in advance.

Hi Rmunro,

Thanks for reply.

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You can create a variable for company name and use it for typing company name in type into.
For selecting from dropdown you can use click text activity with requires service name.
To variablise selector you can click on edit selector, edit selector to replace static value with variable using string cancatenation.

Hi Shivagowdavarad,

How to edit selector to replace static value with variable using string cancatenation…

Can you share workflow for these senario.

I have a excel file with company name and industry type and I want to fetch this data …according to that open the company website and employees size in new tab…Is it possible to open in new tab…can we open in new tab for website and employee data…

Hi Shivagowdavarad,

How to edit selector to replace static value with variable using string cancatenation…

Can you share workflow for these senario.

I have a Excel file with company name and industry type and I want to fetch this data …according to that open the company website and employees size in new tab…Is it possible to open in new tab…can we open in new tab for website and employee data…