Feeling a little lost here, i’m running through the RPA Design & Development v4.0 Lab/Practice exercise manual, currently doing 7.1.1 Screen Scraping - Practice 1
Step 12: Click the Screen Scraping button in the Design ribbon and select an
image that contains some text from the search results.
Step 13: From the Screen Scraper Wizard window, choose Tesseract OCR as
the Screen Scraping method and change the Scale to 5
First of all, I see no Screen Scraping byttin within my robbon, and searching for the activites does not lend my with options that allow me to choose the mentioned methood and scaling.
If you can’t see screen scrapping on ribbon panel it means it is enabled by use modern for new projects if you disable that you can see the screen scrapping
And as new features are basically added to Modern design, it’s recommended to use it.
In many case, there are similar successor features. For example preview extraction of Get Text (NGeTExt) instead of ScreenScraping. (But does not support OCR yet)