Where can I find the Screen Scraping Wizard?

Hello Forum! I’m new to UiPath.

After taking some courses and reading the documentation, I cannot find the Screen Scraping Wizard. In the tutorials and old screenshots it seemed to be in the Design ribbon menu (in the Wizard section). Unfortunately, it’s not there anymore. Instead, there is the Computer Vision button.

screenshot_2022-03-08 16_26_41

In the documentation it is still written: ‘click the Screen Scraping button, in the Wizards group, on the Design ribbon tab.’
See Output or Screen Scraping Methods

Did the Wizard go somewhere else?

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It’s the Table Extraction button. I don’t know if the training has been updated to reflect the latest version of Studio, so the training may show multiple different wizards, whereas in the later versions of Studio it’s all combined into one - Table Extraction.

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It looks like the Screen Scraping features are not included completely in the Table Extraction Wizard.

In the Screen Scraper there used to be a preview area, which showed the scraped data. And it was possible to choose between different methods of scraping (native, full text, OCR). Can I find these options anywhere else?

In addition, in the Table Extraction Wizard I’m getting an error “Please select elements, which are part of a table” for almost all applications except browsers and Excel. In the documentation it looks like you can extract data from settings dialogs and pdf files etc.

You are in Modern Design…switch to Classic design …
then you will get screen and data scrape icon on ribbon pane.


Thank you! That’s it. I’ve changed the design in the project settings and I’m getting all the wizards from the documtation.

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