I am running my bot in VM (RDP) and set up the screen resolution 1920x1080.
But its taking as 2560x1440 randomly and not consistent. How to get rid of this please?
I am running my bot in VM (RDP) and set up the screen resolution 1920x1080.
But its taking as 2560x1440 randomly and not consistent. How to get rid of this please?
Hi @krishbcd
Please look into the below thread
Hi @krishbcd,
Can you try the following: Make sure you are signed out before starting the process (Sign out so that the bot starts the connection, and does not inherit any other user’s configuration that might have left the bots session open)
That should get rid of any possible different screen resolutions that come from a user connecting.
I’m assuming that the screenshot with the 2 screen resolution that you posted is from 2 different runs, correct? It is possible that someone logged into the machine and did not sign out properly between execution 1 and execution 2?
Hi @krishbcd
Check the below thread
Can you check the screen resolution while running in your local machine if it’s 2560×1440 change the resolution in your orchestrator according to that as default screen resolution is 1920×1080.
Make sure to signout the machine before running the bot…if the user is already signed in it would take the current resolution
Running bot from assistant after logged into the VM. Do you mean, Does this causing this issue?
If its unattended scheduled from orchestrator and do not login the VM, then it will be fine without this conflict and wil take default set up in robot account (1920x1080)
yes signout and then run from orchestrtor in unattended then it should be fine…if you just disconnect it would fail
@Anil_G - Sign out from VM?
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