Screen element difference DEV, ACT and PRODUCTION environment

Hi Forum,

I create a new robot and test in DEV and ACT environment. The robot works corretly.
Environment DEV, ACT and PROD is same. Every installed programs is same.
After I try the robot in ACT environment without error and problem I install into PRODUCTION environment.
And robot can not identify a screen element.
Does anybody have good idea how I can check which difference on screen causes this problem?
Because there is apparently no difference.

Thank you for any good idea.

Try with images in place of element.

Hi buddy @nokbaratja

Welcome back to uipath community
–Make sure that the image contained window is brought to foreground of the screen and not in background,
–I think the issue is due to that the robot is not able to identify the element or image
–So make sure that the window of the application or the browser page is kept MAXIMIZED or if not use a MAXIMIZE WINDOW activity as first activity inside the attach browser or open browser or open application or attach window activity, that would ensure that the window is maximized and thus the bot identifies the element

Thats all this would work for sure
Kindly try this and let know for any queries or clarification
Cheers @nokbaratja

Hi skini76,
I forget to write: There is no access to PROD environment for developer. The developer can write robot in the DEV environment, after that he can try in the ACT env and last other person can put the robot package int PROD environment.
Therefore developer can not make any changes in the PROD.

Thank you but this idea is not working

Thank you Palaniyappan - I try it.

Hi, Palaniyappan
One plus important information: these screen elements do not originate from direct activity which I put into the robot, but from warning or error message, which I would like to handle. And I can not handle because the robot doesn’t recognize.
And because of this screen elements are not direct activity I can not maximize.
Unfortunately your recomendation is not working.
Can you give any other suggestion for recognition these screen elements?
Thanks in advance