SAP table data scrape not retrieving all columns

Hello guys,

I think I’ve found a functionality issue;
I’m currently trying to data scrape in SAP, below are the details of my SAP:

When data scraping, if the column name contains non-alphanumeric characters, the column name and column rows will both be null. It can be avoided by going into edit data definitions and changing 'get_columns_name from “1” to “0”. I am then able to scrape all table data but it will no longer show accurate column names which is a dev/documentation issue.

Please see the following screen shots:




We are currently using Studio 2020.4.1. We are unable to update due to enterprise limitations.

Could you tell me if this is a known issue and whether it’s been corrected?


hi @Clintonnn

Can you give me an SAP transaction and the flow, how to come to the same table, that I can reproduce this issue on my side?

Thanks, Lev

Hi Lev,

I’ve PMd you a Zip containing a test process where this issue is replicated.
Please let me know if I can provide further info.

HI @Clintonnn

Congrats! You have found a bug :male_detective: :slight_smile:

I have just tried it out and can confirm, that with 20.4.x the values in the table are empty.

Good news: With all versions above UiAutomation Activities 20.6 and higher, the bug is fixed.

You do not need to upgrade Studio to be able to use higher UiAutomation Package → Just upgrade the package.

Best regards, Lev

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Hi Lev,

Thanks for looking into this :slight_smile:
Unfortunately, we can’t really update the package as we are currently only able to use Studio version 2020.4.1. Updating the UIAutomation.Activities package to 21.4.4 states ‘IMPORTANT: This package version requires Studio 20.10 or higher. On lower versions some functionality may be missing, or unexpected behaviours may occur.’ We can’t really risk an impact to functionality or reliability.

Hi @Clintonnn

I was speaking actually about 20.6 and above, this will not require the Studio 20.10 and will work with Studio 20.4

On the other side, maybe it is time to start thinking about upgrade to 21.4, as 20.4 is almost 1 year old software and in meantime we have delivered a huge numbers of new features, fixes, improvements, enhancements…

Best regards, Lev

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