SAP - How to activate scripting

Hi folks,
I am facing the following problem:

SAP_GUI (vers. 770) is not entering the scripting mode. Therefore the “save as” dialogue is showing the standard Windows GUI instead of the ones SAP is showing when in scripting mode.
I cannot enter data into the standard Windows GUI as Studio does not let me select the text fields of the Windows GUI and instead freezes. Currently my only hope is to get the scripting mode running again in SAP.

I have read quite some hints on how to activate scripting in general and all settings are exactly as they are supposed to be. Nevertheless SAP has suddenly stopped to work in the “scripting active” mode.

Is there a way to have Studio trigger the scripting mode in SAP? Anything to actively tell SAP “Hello there, you are now supposed to run in scripting mode”?

Kind regards,


Also: enabling-modal-dialog-boxes

Hi Peter,
Thank you for your quick reply and the links.
I have done all the mentioned settings. Still SAP is not entering the scripting mode.
In the meantime I have found an old workflow which was set up by a colleague who was more of a pro than me. This old workflow is launching the scripting. I just cannot figure out, what makes the difference.
Since it is the same machine, from my point of view we can rule out both local and global settings to be wrong. Am I missing a switch, command line parameter, etc.?

Kind regards,