SAP automation : text box not identified while doing the typing into activity

Hello team,

I’m currently working on a project in which I need to export an excel table from SAP. To do so, I need to fill out the 5 first text fields as shown on the screenshot below

However, I can’t even find the text boxes while using the selector and the SAP GUI scripts are on. When I indicate manually the text area, every typing is done in the first box.

If you guys have any idea, please let me know.


Hi @WilliamC,

Welcome to the Community !

So When your Automation is Done Typing values in the FirstField.

Send a HotKey Tab and Write the Second Value then an Tab and then Write Third Value and So and at Last Send Enter HotKey to Proceed.




so scripting is enabled for both server and client side of SAP?

Thank you very much ! it works :slight_smile:

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