Run processes in queues

If i have 4 processes and wanted to run one by one in a single robot without scheduling, how this can be achieved. Pls advice.

Hi @yuvaraja

You could create a 5th sequence process, add in 4 Invoke Workflow activities for your 4 processes, and run it.

Would that work?


HI Troy,

My question was like, we have some list of process in the robot as below, with this we have to run manually one by one, is there a way where all the below processes run one by one by itself based on the queue. runFromRobot

Hi @yuvaraja,
Using the orchestrator you can able to run the process one by one. It has the option called Schedule.


So you’re running a Front Office Robot from your system tray?

Since it’s possible to start your processes from the command line, you may be able to create a Windows batch file that includes all four and see if they queue up one after the other.

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HI Bala,

Yes, but schedules runs only on a particular time period, i would like to know if the process can run one by one after completion, like first p1,once it complets p2, then p3.

HI Troy, thanks for this, let me give a try on this.

Hi @yuvaraja,

If you try like this , it will work one by one.


Thanks Bala