Run Process via batch file and windows task sheduler. Windows autologin?


I run process by a batch file and windows task sheduler, but the problem is when the windows user is locked/logged out - robot process do not work correctly as its foreground process. Windows sheduler is still able to run process, but only if its able to run in background. My process is not the background, so is there a possibility to have some sort of autologing to windows account?


You can start with a 3m read of Configure Windows to automate logon - Windows Server | Microsoft Docs

Followed by a nice tutorial on how to login with task scheduler Run App or Script at Logon with Task Scheduler in Windows 10 (

All of these are not recommended and bad practices so be careful.

If there are any steps which aren’t clear don’t hesitate to Reply to this post.

Kind regards,


Welcome to uipath forum

Did we try running from orchestrator

Check this doc to connect your robot to orchestrator

Cheers @BiRobot

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I dont use orchestrator. Process start and run perfectly when using task sheduler when computer is unlocked. Put when its locked/logged out it cannot be performed.

I would like to share this clearly that UiPath doesn’t support task scheduler issues
That’s why I suggested to use a reliable solution with orchestrator
It comes along the community edition as well
You can use it with advanced options of scheduling
But for your scenario I would like to know whether this option is enabled or not

Cheers @BiRobot

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