How to run one process on multiple PCs? And Is it possible to run on other machines without Studio, orchestrator or robot? If robot is required then how to connect robot on different machines? Please advise.
Thank you
How to run one process on multiple PCs? And Is it possible to run on other machines without Studio, orchestrator or robot? If robot is required then how to connect robot on different machines? Please advise.
Thank you
Run one process on Multiple pcs can be done unless you install studio
Ashwin S
Uipath bot is required in every machine so if you have two machines you need to install uipath robot in both the machines and connect to orchestrator. and then attach all these machines to that particular process.
Is this what you are looking for. If not, can you please elaborate your question?
Hi @santhoshreddy
Thanks for reply,
Could you advise, Can we connect Uipath Robot with the help of Diffrenet PC’s machine key which have orchestrator connecting already. Will it work? if Not then how to connect robot on different machine to run the same process.
Thank you
You can install the UiPath robot and get the machine key and connect to Orchestrator.
Once connected, you can schedule the process at particular time, so that one process can run in different machines
Welcome to uipath community
We got two options to do this
Either if we have the access to all those machines so that we can connect from our local machine itself with the help of REMOTE DESKTOP CONNECTION
If that is possible then we can include that process in our workflow to login the other machine with RDP Connection so yay we can run from our machine itself no need of robot or studio to be installed in all machine or no need of orchestrator( unless we don’t need to run this process unattended)
If we have the license for such number of robots then we install in
Each machine and then organise them with orchestrator
Cheers @Nikita_Chaudhary
please can you provide us with more detailes for that how to use remote desktop connection as i need the robot to loginto another pc and make rename for some files i need reference for that and how to use it if i use power shell
Sir can explain brief how can we do run code without install studio in machine