Hi all,
I have a scenario where i need a unattended bot to schedule task to attended bot.
for instance say i have 1 unattended bot and 5 attended bot. the function of the unattended bot is to trigger/schedule jobs to the attended bot and engage in different activities.
i have jobs like scrapping data from 3 different web pages and execute the data in a windows application.
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If you are orchestrator connection, then you can use Queue Trigger
In the attended bot you can assign the extracted queue, then in Orchestrator you can define the Queue trigger
Hope this helps
Hi @Srini84
Im new to UiPath Orchestrator
Can you explain me further how to assign extracted queue for attended BOT?
Thanks for your suggestion.
As suggested, I have created a Queue using unattended BOT. It will keep on adding Queue in regular interval.
Now How to engage the “Attended BOT” which i have now. It is in idle state
i think based on the Queue we can use trigger function to trigger only the unattended BOT??
Is there any way to trigger the attended BOT, based on the queue item?