Robot account login

I am trying to use Unattended robot as a community version.

However, if you connect only with a machine key, you can connect, but you must sign in to activate the license.
I created a robot account in Orchestrator, but can’t I use the robot with this??
I wonder if you must sign in to activate the license.

if you connect with the Machine key, you must not sign in.

you just need to assign the robot account and machine template to the specific folder.

this is only work on Modern folder.

I created a robot account, set Unattended, and assigned it to a folder.
Then, I assigned the machine template to the same folder, obtained a machine key, and tried to connect in Assistant.
However, it connects like the image, but it says that there is no license available.
Can I connect without logging in?

In Orchestrator → Tenant → Settings → Robot Security → Unattended robot authentication → select Hybrid → Attended robot (user) authentication → select Hybrid
Try to use the Client ID connection in your UiPath Assistant.

The attended side is not modified as a hybrid.
I tried after setting it as per the image, but it still requires login.

Ok, after using the Client ID connection in UiPath Assistant, can you check in Orchestrator → Tenant → Monitoring → Unattended sessions → the robot is Connected?

What about the Orchestrator → Tenant → License → Production (Unattended) → See More? Can you see if the robot there License Status is Active?

Make sure both are active.

Good. That means your robot is connected and it is using the Unattended runtime license and you can schedule the process from Orchestrator.

You don’t need UiPath Assistant to start a job.

The UiPath Assistant is mainly designed for Attended Users that will run the jobs from it. In that case, as you have the Interactive authentification, the attended users will need to Sign in in order to see their processes from Orchestrator.

For robot accounts, you will not be able to sign in, as they don’t have the access to Orchestrator UI profile. But you can sign in with a different user that will have access to the Orchestrator UI profile with the proper permissions to run automation.

After all, does Unattended also need to have an account to log in to connect to Assistant?

It is not required for the Unattended accounts to have an account with an email and password.

But will be required in cases when you want to use the Sign in button in your UiPath Assistant.

Let us know if this helped.

I have this state as well but I can run a job manually from OC and also trigger a job.

it’s weird, isn’t it? however, try running a job manually first.