Retry option on "In progress" queue item

Hi Team,

I will like to request the “Retry” option on queue items that are In progress.

Specially when you are testing automations and the queue item is not able to fully complete.

The item will remain “In progress”. If you are using the Dispatcher and Performer pattern. The only 2 ways I can think of retrying this item is by re-running the dispatcher (This maybe conflicting cause it may add a bunch of unnecessary queue items) or build and automation that change the queue item from “In progress” to "Failed and then go into the orchestrator and retry the item.

Thanks for all the great features new you release, great product.


Yeah, this feature would be really, really useful.
At first I was changing queue item statuses directly in the Orchestrator database when this happened, then someone in my team develop a robot to do what you described.
It’s useful for development/testing.

In prodution this shouldn’t happen.
To prevent this from happening we stablished the best practice to always set a timeout in the invoke workflow of the main queue item process.
We do that by running the bot a few times to get the feeling of average time per queue item, them we set the timeout with a sligthly longer time than the average.
In this way, any unexpected occurence that doesn’t generate a exception and gets the bot stuck won’t require a hard kill, and will not generate a In Progress stuck queue item.


Very creative solution

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you can as of now just right click the kebab menu and right click on the disabled “clone” option, go into inspect and remove the disabled=“true” property of the element and then it actually works to clone it and it comes in the status “new”


Interesting, might make myself a TamperMonkey script to just have that enabled at all times, I wonder what other buttons work if you enable them.

Regarding the main issue. I just test without using a queue, solves this issue, you dont need to invoke the full solution just to test a single queue item, when you get to doing an integration test where you see if the dispatcher and performer work together this shouldnt be an issue.