I would like the ability when testing to be able to remove an In Progress Queue Item.
Our framework won’t add items to queue as long as there is a Queue Item that is New or In Progress, and the only option to get moving is to remove the queue and add it again.
If something breaks in production we again have to delete the queue and add it again to get the robot to work!
By the way the developers doesn’t have that role available, so it is time consuming for the developer to get a hold of the administrator!
Please give us the “power” to assist our robots. If I know that the In Progress item is dead/abandoned then I would like to remove it. Having to wait for hours is not one of my virtues.
I would also like to be able to clone an In Progress item, why is that not an option, when you can clone a New/Failed/Success. To me that doesn’t make any sense. Please explain!
Thats a very brute force approach… it also nukes your history.
There are simpler solututions to this, for example just make a very quick app where someone can enter a folder and queue name and tell it to delete the in progress item.
I’ve myself made a tampermonkey script in the past to do this by adding a button in the Orchestrator Ui.
You can also make your framework more robust so queue items can never be left in progress unless the executor hard crashes.
In development its easy to avoid by using test cases and mocks to not actually add the test item you want to use to a queue, instead just building it in code.
I agree it should be way easier to fail an in progress queue item, but I think you are already doing it in a difficult way…
Main issue I have is there is no way, either via robot or API, to set a queue item status to abandoned so we can have ways of ‘cleaning up’ queues should an item get stuck due to a hard crash.
I would disagree of a requirement to clone an in progress item however, I am not sure of the use case for this, but I can agree that it is an arbitrary restriction.
I see I need to explain some of it a bit more.
In production we don’t see this issue, because the framework is buildt like it is.
But in UAT we tend to do things by hand on first run (Test data doesn’t represent production data) and sometimes there are crashes, and we stop the robot. Now we have the In Progress QI.
Due to the fact that we are using “Enforce unique references” on the queue, we can’t add that item again from production data.
I get the idea about Unit testing, we do so when testing, but not as extensive as when getting 20 rows of real data from a source.
Now back to the line about
There are simpler solututions to this, for example just make a very quick app where someone can enter a folder and queue name and tell it to delete the in progress item.
But how do you delete an In Progress item? I haven’t found this option.
Sure, different ways of approaching things, I still think you can solve that issue via test cases as they can be for more than unit testing but I digress, I’m not here to second guess your entire way of working, but perhaps more to suggest some minor adjustments whilst this is something not facilitated by the Ui.
Regarding the App, you connect it to an RPA process that would handle grabbing the item and then setting the status to failed, at that point it can be cloned (this could even be an option for the app).
You could also make this an attended bot but that assumes the developer is connected to the same tenant you are testing in, hence why I suggest the App.
Can be a super simple background process to do this I think.
I posted this years ago. Still nothing from UiPath.
We also need to be able to retry and/or clone an In Progress queue item so that we can manage when a Job faults.
It is a kluge way to do it, but if you left click the 3 dots beside the In Progress queue item, then right click just to the right of the greyed out Clone option and select inspect. You will get the inspect/console window for your browser, since you right clicked off to the right of the Clone button you should see in the top window that the clone button is already highlighted. Find the tag disabled=“true” and double click it so that it highlights the entire disabled=“true” and hit delete, click somewhere else so your cursor moves and you should see the Clone button is no longer greyed out, hit clone and clone your in progress queue item…
I can’t believe it, but it works!
We’ve built a little process to set In Progress Queue Items to Failed with ‘set transaction status’-activity. After that you can retry or clone the queue item.
And you can set the time, after a In Progress Queue Item is set to Abandonnend by the orchestrator.
Wow this is truly a gold nugget. Thanks for sharing with the community. It didnt work for me with clone but it worked with retry item.
We added the ability to delete InProgress queue items via the UI in Automation Cloud: Orchestrator - July 2024
The feature will also be present in 2024.10 Automation Suite, but not in the Standalone or older versions.
Happy days!
Question on a minor doom scenario: lets say an over eager developer sets a queue item from in progress to failed while a bot is actually executing it. Direct execution won’t be impacted, but how will it affect the set transaction status activity when invoked on an incorrect status? Will it overwrite of just throw an exception?
It will not throw any exception and overwrite whatever status set by Set Transaction Status Activity.
Hi CosminV, The feature is much appreciated! Good job!
I have a challenge related to this feature.
We have a queue, which we turned on “Enforce unique references” (this is a good feature for some processes). In case of failure, we can retry them, which is fine. But there are some weird occasions when robot is stuck and we had to “kill” the robot.
So, we need to “delete” the “in progress” transaction. But, then we can’t retry it, or clone it, or added it back into the queue because the “unique reference” rule.
Do you know how can we solve this issue?
I have solved it with a xaml called ClearInProgress, this will take all In Progress QueueItems and set them as Failed.
Hope this will help you. From Failed you can retry the QueueItem.
ClearInProgress.xaml (13.9 KB)
This is insane ! Thanks a lot for sharing it, and the best thing is… it works !!