Retrieve the Queue Items

I am using the Orchestrator HTTP Request activity to retrieve queue items from Orchestrator.

  • If there are no queue items, the workflow correctly outputs a message stating “No queue items available.”
  • However, when processing the response, I receive an error: “Value cannot be null. (Parameter ‘value’)”.

Why are you using Orchestrator HTTP Request? You should be using Get Transaction or Get Queue Items. I suggest doing the free training at so you’ll understand how to do these basic things.


Kindly share more details to understand the issue like which activity giving you this error and how your workflow looks like.

Ashok :slightly_smiling_face:

Its better to use Studio HTTP Request rather than doing using orchestrator.

This error typically occurs because the response from the HTTP request is being processed without checking if it contains any queue items. When the queue is empty, the response might not have the expected structure or content, leading to a null value being accessed.

Hi @Vishali.S

→ Encapsulate the Orchestrator HTTP Request activity in Try Catch. In the Catch block create a catch of System.Exception.
→ Inside Catch block insert an If condition and write the below expression,

exception.Message.contains("Value cannot be null")

→ Inside then block insert an Assign activity and create a String datatype variable and initialize the message whatever you want as below,

- Assign -> OutputMessage = "No queue items available."

Hope it helps!!

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