Get Queue items - Items shown "null" specific content in the activity. But have specific content in Orchestrator Queue

Hello community. Im facing a problem when using the activity “Get Queue Items”. The activity shows the Queue items, with “null” values in Specific Content.

But if i go to the queue in the orchestrator and “View details” of the items. They show the specific content values. So my question is why im losing that values in the “Get Queue Item” activity. All items has been processed successfully. Im using Get queue items in the end process framework to write a report. The same framework and proccess has been working OK for months. Until today.

The same is happening in all our orchestrator processes that has “Get Queue Items” Activity. Regardless of the UiPath.System or UiPath.Activities package versions

Item in orchestrator

Item in Studio properties

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could you please check if the output property also is null or not? Thanks

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How many items are in your queue? The status of that item says successful and if you are debugging I would expect it to say In Progress if you killed the process mid transaction. What I am getting at is that, is it possible that some of your queue items have null values?

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Thanks for the response. Output is also null

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The items are processed successfully. Im trying to get the queue items and their status “Success or Failed” to write them in an excel sheet as report. And there are only 12 items in the queue at the moment

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Sorry for the misunderstanding. I build an activity to generate a status report from the queue once a process that is running on single or multiple robots has completed. It will fail a few times a year due to communication with the orchestrator, hopefully that is your issue. Sorry I can’t be of much help.

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we can replicate, but still there can be other factors which are to cross-check as well
we can cross-check a swagger and do see the SpecificContent, which is NOT Null

But we are partly uncertain about the announcement of:

So, we would need to run / repeat some more Cross-Checks to get reliable and replicated results

However also do some more detail inspections e.g. by using the immediate panel and pick up a particular queue-item

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Maybe thats the issue. Because only happened today. Yesterday all reports were Ok. Im going to pay attention tomorrow to see if the issue persists. Thanks for the help!

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Im going to read those articles. Thanks for the help Peter!

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I think there is a bug in the get queue activity. I’m having the same problem. The topic I opened on the forum regarding this issue is;

Get Queue Items > Fault - Help / Activities - UiPath Community Forum

Hi @julian_preciado,

In our UiPath process, we currently determine if queue items are successful or failed based solely on whether the transaction item is retrieved. Even if there’s an exception later on, the item is still marked as successful.

To improve accuracy and scalability, I suggest creating a separate reporter. This way, even if multiple bots are running simultaneously, our Excel updates will be more accurate with fewer errors.

Here’s how to set up the reporter:

  1. Create a new queue for all items fetched from the primary queue. Include an extra queue item called “status” to indicate success or failure.
  • Mark the status as true when the performer completes the task successfully.
  • If the performer encounters an issue, assign the status as false.
  1. Develop a simple reporter process. It will retrieve the new queue items pushed after each transaction item is processed by the performer.

  2. The reporter’s job is straightforward:

  • Retrieve queue items.
  • Filter them based on the boolean value passed from the performer.
  • Update the Excel sheet accordingly.

I hope this clarifies things. Let me know if you have any questions. Happy automating!

Even though I took the steps you mentioned, the problem persists. I think there is a problem with the activity.

hi Julian, all,

I’ll start with saying that I’m sorry for the inconveniences. To give you a bit of a background, this is a change we announced back in December (here), delayed the roll-out a bit (announced here and in the deprecation page here), encountered a few issues and with a bit of a delay rolled out into Community and Canary tenants earlier this week, on Wednesday (you probably missed this as well, unfortunately).

We’ve covered this particular topic in our docs here explaining why, what and when we’re doing these changes, along with how to adapt to them. Specifically for Large data fields removal, please see this section.

I understand it must not be pleasant to be surprised like this, your processes will need some adjustments, please consult the documentation and let us know if you need further assistance.

All the best,


There are too many documents. Can you briefly give a small example of how to do it?

Hi Mesut,
Specifically for Large data fields removal, please see this section. Depending on your use-case, see the column named " What you can use instead".


Thank you for your return. I’m new to UiPath. I couldn’t figure out exactly what to replace the fields below.

currentQueueItem.SpecificContent(“Mağaza Kodu”).ToString


currentQueueItem.Output(“Mağaza Kodu”).ToString


It’s not in the currentQueueItem anymore, you will need to use the key of the currentQueueItem and to do a GET/odata/QueueItems({key}) to then access the SpecificContent and/or Output. Hope this helps.



Thanks Adrian for the responses. Im going to read those articles. I didn’t knew about these upcoming changes.

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