GetQueueItems is Null

Get Queue Items is Returning Null always,
Can any one help
Thanks in Advance

Buddy @Mani7

Welcome to UiPath community buddy

Kindly check these stuffs buddy that could resolve your issue for sure

  1. Firstly check whether your robot is connected to orchestrator and that means whether right machine is connected to the orchestrator with exact machine name and keys between you robot tray (you can get that from start->Robot, there click settings ) and machine tab in orchestrator
  2. Second check whether the queue name tat you have created in orchestrator is exacted mentioned in your studio get queue item property in a string format (i.e., between double quotes)…if quue doesn’t match we wont get the queue item buddy
  3. Then finally check whether you have any queue item in you queue (this is just a last try)
    Try these and let know buddy
    this can be resolvedbuddy
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Thanks Buddy for Reply
I am able get the GetTransactionItem with same Queue, but Get Queue Items not working
and also GetQueueitems is working on Package Uipath.system.Activities 18.4.2 after upgrading to 19.4.0
I am get it as null

Can you update all packages and try.