Hello, I have put request where I have to update certain data in my orchestrator Queue using API. While using the swagger UI in orchestrator I get the desired Result, then after copying the cURL generated by the Swagger-UI I import it into postman and execute the querry, my data is updated in the queue. Whereas when I pass the data in my “HTTP request” activity I get a response that “QueueItemDto Cannot be null” I have tried placing the body generated in Swagger into body field of HTTP request still nothing happens. This activity worked perfectly for POST. I also tried it in “Orchestrator HTTP” still to no avail.
I would appreciate if anyone could help me resolve this issue.
Hello, I have tried using both http and orchestrator http request, I am getting different errors for both these activity
Orchestrator HTTP returns this as content:
HTTP Request returns this:
My goal is to convert data from excel and bulk post it into my api, I have successfully converted the excel data to JSON but I cannot place my data in the body as it does not support variables. I hope you could help me overcome that issue as well
I found the culprit for “POST” not working, I needed to provide Folder Name in Orchestrator HTTP activity, now for the other issue how can I concatenate my string variable containing json formatted data into specific content field in JSON payload