Resolving the "ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED" Error in Task Capture

After installing Task Capture on a computer from a closed network, the following error is occurring when trying to choose a licensing method: "net::ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED" .

Issue Description:

The error message "ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED" typically appears when Task Capture is denied access to the licensing URLs. This may be due to network security policies blocking the access.


Root Cause:

Task Capture requires connection with certain URLs for licensing purposes:

  1. - This URL is used for activation using the license code.
  2. - This URL is used for allocating the Community license.

Blocking or limiting access to these URLs may result in the ERR_TUNNEL_CONNECTION_FAILED error.


Follow these steps to resolve this issue:

  1. Whitelist URLs: Add these two URLs ( and to your network's whitelist. This informs your network's security policies to allow connections to these URLs.

  2. Firewall and antivirus settings: Ensure your firewall and antivirus settings are not blocking the connection to these URLs.

  3. Network Security Policies: Check your network security policies to make sure they aren't limiting access to the necessary server links.

Completing these processes should give Task Capture access to the URLs, resolving the error message.