Renaming ExceptionScreenhot files

hi all

i have a large project running in re framework with a lot of work flows
when there is an excption thrown it saves a screengrab to the exception screenshots folder as part of takescreenshot.xaml
the file is saves as "ExceptionScreenhot_42344323.png

is there any way to save the exception as something like Workflow2_42344323.png


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Hi @adrian_sullivan

You can achieve it

Check this link out

Check your constant sheet of config file


Inside REF you can change the file path i.e io_FilePath (Take screenshot .xaml): Look at the Screenshot below:

the file is saving fine and i can find it ok

just trying to rename the final to something a bit more meaningful like workflow2_24323423.png

Great :+1: @adrian_sullivan

but my qusetion is how to rename the screenshot files

Hi @adrian_sullivan

You can. Edit that in Take screenshot xaml

If you want to rename, use rename activity inside Fro each File in Folder

if i use a rename actvitiy i am not not certain where i will supply the new name from eg worflow1_443423.png

as the job is running is currently renames the exception file as exceptionscreenshot_443423.png so how to provide either the failed workflow name or failed que item to rename the screenshot to something like worflow1_443423.png

maybe i can edit edit it in Take screenshot xaml like @nikhil.girish has suggested, i just dont know how to do it…

so i am back to this a year later and still need some help.

to summarise:
reframework reading from que
screenshots are being created ok
saved in the correct location

currently if workflow 2 fails the screenshot is being saved as “exception_screenshot_32233.png”

what i need is something like - “workflow 2_32233.png”

i dont think i can use a rename actvity as i dont know how to link the que name with the correct screenshot from the location

it would be better to use either the que name or test name in the take scrrenshot.xaml file

any help apprecaited