Read range - relationship tag error

can u tell me why this error come while reading excel file

Hi @yogitagaikwad2206
Are you able to open the excel file manually.
Try using Excel Process scope and read range activity.

Hi @yogitagaikwad2206,

Can you check the file path you passing, In this RPA CCTV is the folder name or it is included in the File name of Excel?


I download google sheet in excel format. and without extension & name download then it is in pdf format. there is multiple sheet and i want read specific sheet then how i do it.

Hi @yogitagaikwad2206

If you need to read only specific sheet Use Read Range Workbook and specify the sheet you want to read. try not to give range.

Hope it helps!!

But it gives an error


Try copying the sheetname from the excekl and pasting in the Read Range Workbook activity.


Keep range section blank it will not give you an error



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Why aren’t you using the Google activities to read it?


In below google sheet there is multiple sheet i download that google sheet in excel format in local folder now i want to email sheet2 which in local folder for that i read excel & sheet2 because that error is come for read range.
and i can’t use read range google sheet activity because there is no sheet name available

Google sheet_RPA

Sheet1 Sheet2 Sheet3 Sheet4

What do you mean there is no sheet name available?

Hi @yogitagaikwad2206 ,
Have you tried read by classic acitivity "read range " inside “excel scope”
and get worksheet to get correct sheet name

or use morden activity

Could you share file to detail?