Queue status updates

Hi guys,
Please help me identify the correct answer with explanations as the question is really confusing me.

A developer automated a process in the Robotic Enterprise (RE) Framework using Orchestrator queues. In which state(s) is the status updated for each Transaction Item from the queue?

A. Initialization and Process Transaction
B. Get Transaction Data and Process Transaction
C. Process Transaction only
D. Initialization and Get Transaction Data

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option C is the right

item will be change in process state it will become success or failed


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Hi @Latifa

Option C is the correct only.
In process Transaction only the status is update for every transaction Item.

You can check the below Set transaction sequence, which update the status of transaction Item.

This set transaction status xaml is in process transaction state.

Hope it helps!!

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Hi @Latifa

Option B Get Transaction Data and Process Transaction

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@Anil_G @Parvathy @pravallikapaluri @postwick what’s your opinion guys?

Hi @Latifa

its Option B process & GET transaction

as you cant update the status at initialization because its place where config initialization and login happens

get transaction - retrieves the transaction item , making the queue item as inprogress

so the main core lies in Process transaction where set Transaction status takes place post all operations

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The answer is B. Get Transaction sets the queue item status to In Progress. Then Process Transaction sets it to either succeeded or failed.

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The answer would be B

in Get transaction item it will be updated to inprogress

and in process either failed or to success


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