A developer used the Robotic Enterprise (RE) PLEASE EXPLAIN Framework to create a Performer process. In which workflow(s) is the Queue Item status updated?

Can You Please Explain?


Queue item status in re framework is updated in settransactionstatus.xaml

Go theough each of the xaml and the documentation that you get with re…which will have more details

Hope this helps…


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Hi @Akbar_Badhusa

In addition to @Anil_G 's reply, the status of the Queue Item initially gets updated to In Progress on Get transaction item activity in GetTransactionData.xaml. It will then be updated to Successful/Failed/Retried status in SetTransactionStatus.xaml after processing the queue item depending on the result.

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In case if we are not using orchestrator queues then where it will update the status?


If you are not using queues then you have to modify re framework else it would ideally fail in get transactiondata as queue would not be found


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Unless you leave MaxRetryNumber=0 (default),
and when you create the queue in Orchestrator you make “# of Retries”>0 so Orchestrator will handle retries

In that case SetTransactionStatus.xaml only makes items to Failed OR Successful (not retried).

But Orchestrator itself will turn “failed” items automatically “retried” and at the same time it creates an identical “new” queue item as well (till it reaches the # of retries).