Queue items remains "In Progress" without any errors

In my scenario, I notice that the process execution ends without logging any errors or information, and the status of queue items remains “In Progress.” I’ve reviewed the process at the architectural level and confirmed that all try-catch blocks are in place within the RE Framework with proper transaction status. This issue occurs sporadically without any pattern. What could be causing this behavior, and how can I address it?


First check the logs and see if there is any pattern that you are able to identify

Also see if you are using any variables in set transaction which are null and because of which it might be failing and try catch around it is suppressing the error

Alternately have a retry scope around set transaction activity


Thank you for replying!
Please review the attached logs. It appears that the status is being set as ‘Failed.’ Additionally, there is a log message in the catch section of the “set transaction status” function, but it is not being recorded.


As you see a log in catch block while setting to failed only the process is failing

Can you check the set transaction status activity in code directly please

In the above screenshot i see a end log but not a error log nor a failed status set log


yes, nothing is failing it just gets stopped like this!
I am suspecting that it might have some unhandled error, but nothing is getting recorded in
catch system exception & it just stops the process.