I know the “Desktop disconnected” error has been asked about before and I sorta understand what is likely contributing to it. Just trying to understanding this a little better.
I’m using the UiPath Public Orchestrator so I’m using a Development Robot.
My questions / comments (edited after posting):
RDP Client and minimizing that same client - I found this: executing-tasks-in-a-minimized-rdp-window in the UiPath Documentatoin. Ok great … I’ve done that and using the standard Windows RDP Client. See how that works out.
Disconnecting the RDP Client while Studio is running a workflow - what about this situation ? I’m not a Windows RDP guru at all. What I think I’ve seen / found is, UiPath seems to “pause”. At some point I think this is what generates the “Desktop has disconnected” error in the Studio logs.
Robots and types of robots - reading this Introduction … I think a Development robot is the same as a unattended robot but it should only be used to connect Studio to Orchestrator. Even though it has the features of Unattended-but-use-to-connect-Studio-to-Orchestrator, does that somewhat imply if your Studio is on a remote system and you use RDP to connect, will it only work within RDP as long as RDP is connected (or minimized with the RegEdit tweak) ?? Is that an accurate statement ?
A Unattended robot is what I would need to to true disconnected robots runs without using RDP at all correct ? So what happens if you use RDP to connect to the Windows account for the Unattended Robot to see what it is doing and then disconnect ? Does my question for #2 come into play here as well ?