Can we use python 3.11 version with ui path python package 1.6. As I am getting an error while load python activities:
python3.11 with UiPath Python Scope: Error initializing Python engine
Hi @Mukherjee_Suvantan, welcome to the Community.
Please note that the UiPath Python package version 1.6 is not compatible with Python 3.11. As of February 2023, the latest UiPath Python package version is 3.12.0, and it supports Python 3.7, 3.8, and 3.9.
If you want to use Python 3.11 with UiPath, you will need to wait for UiPath to release a version of the Python package that is compatible with it. Alternatively, you could downgrade your Python version to one that is compatible with the UiPath Python package version 1.6.
To resolve the error message you are receiving, you could try one of the following solutions:
- Install a supported version of Python (3.7, 3.8, or 3.9) and ensure that the UiPath Python package is installed for that version of Python.
- Update to a newer version of the UiPath Python package that supports your version of Python.
- Check that you have correctly configured the UiPath Python activity to use the correct version of Python, as the error message may be caused by a configuration issue.
Hope this helps,
Best Regards.
Thank you for the response. I am currently using Python version 3.10. The Python activity package version in UiPath is 1.6.0, and it was able to initialize the Python scope successfully. However, when I try to run the Python script activity, it throws an error: “RemoteException wrapping System.IO.IOException: Pipe is broken. at System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.CheckWriteOperations() at System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.Flush()”
Please let me know what could be causing this issue.
Thank you for the response. I am currently using Python version 3.10. The Python activity package version in UiPath is 1.6.0, and it was able to initialize the Python scope successfully. However, when I try to run the Python script activity, it throws an error: “RemoteException wrapping System.IO.IOException: Pipe is broken. at System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.CheckWriteOperations() at System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.Flush()”
Please let me know what could be causing this issue.
Thanks & Regards,
Suvantan Mukherjee
Hi @Mukherjee_Suvantan and @arjunshenoy,
Please review this thread and particularly this post.
I circumvent the Python Activities now as it has not been stable in my experiments. Use Start-Process activity to achieve your goal. Somethings may need a workaround in your code. Depending on your application you have to design the integration between the output from Start-Process (python script) and UiPath.
Thanks again for the information. However, what I understand is that we should not use Python activities to invoke Python code as it may not work for any versions. In this case, UiPath should take responsibility and fix the issue or, at least, they should consider deleting this package. Otherwise, people may lose trust in the product.
That is not what I said. It is my personal preference to not rely on some activities as there are easier ways to achieve my end goal. That said, yes with the Windows Version of UiPath projects, we have faced a lot of integration issues. It is given that such a rapid development cycle can leave some things broken during releases.
In my understanding these Pipe Broken errors are not worth the effort, Start-Process works perfectly well and will work for you as well. There is always a better alternative
If you wish to provide your feedback please do open a post here and we can vote up : Activities - UiPath Community Forum
It will help the product team consider a fix or improvement.
I will be taking this up with the UiPath product team as a need for many user. But this might take some time.
Thank you for reaching out. But try to understand our frustration when it comes to encountering issues that cannot be fixed by the user, especially when it is due to problems in the product itself. It is crucial for UiPath to maintain a high level of professionalism by ensuring that their releases are stable and reliable, so that users can work efficiently without encountering such issues.
Thank you for providing a better alternative, which is to use Start-Process instead. I am glad to hear that it works well for you.
I will keep the link you provided in mind and encourage others to share their feedback as well.
Thanks & Regards,
Suvantan Mukherjee
I investigated a bit and I think I know where the issue is, and we will try to fix it in the next version of the package.
Basically, Python.Runtime.dll
seems to require an update:
So far I only briefly tested it by updating it in this location (for a Windows project):
with a new version of the file that can be found in this package:
And after that running my project no longer crashes with Python 3.11.
A new version of the Python package 1.7.1 was released which supports Python 3.11 (you can grab it from the official feed).