Python Scope: Error initializing Python engine Version : 3.11.4

Hi Friends,

I am facing python engine error while integrating python in UiPath at very 1st step it shows python initializing error in python scope i used python 3.11.4 version and python activity is 1.6.0 also i gave dll file path and correct python path and target is 64 and version is auto but still i am facing this issue can you give me solution to solve this issue


Hello @Vicky_K, Try with the Python 3.10 or 3.8 Version.

Hi @Vicky_K

Could you please try the Python 1.7.0 package which should be available on the official feed since yesterday and report back? :slight_smile:

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Hi im eager to try 1.7.0 but i cant seem to find it in official feed or all package. do i have to manually install it?

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My bad, it is not yet available. The version with the fix is coming out soon though, and will fix the above issue.

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You should now be able to download the Python 1.7.1 package from the Official feed.

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Thank you very much for your effort. It is now working with 3.11.4

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