I want to process the next transaction item in Re-Framework even if there is a business exception. For example in Transaction 3 there is a Business Exception but it should go to next Transaction Item. In my case the bot stops and does not process next transaction. In my current framework I am not using Queue. I am reading the data from Input file
Even if you are using the Excel as input file with out taking queues it will move to next row if the business exception throws.
Did you check properly weather the bot is going to business or system exception in process state.
In “Set Transaction Status” state, you’ll find a if condition like “If Business Exception”.
Remove or modify the branch that handles the Business Exception.
By removing the “Then” part of the If condition. This way, the bot will skip the actions inside this branch and move to the next condition.
You can also add an “Else” part to the if condition. In the “Else” part, you can set the transaction status to “Retry” or “Success” (depending on your use case).
Finally, make sure that the framework goes back to the “Get Transaction Data” state to fetch the next transaction item, even if a Business Exception occurs.
@Anil_G Its going to the next Transaction and failing. The next Transaction File is empty. The bot goes to halt state when the file is empty in next Transaction.
If when exception the rowcount is zero then dt.Rowcount=0 and then proceed to next
But as per your previous explanation it looks different…you said after business exception next transaction is failing…if the next transaction is failing because of count then check the row count and proceed accordingly…
So when count is zero does it need to go to business exception? If so then on else part you need to throw busines exception
Apart from that after business exception what is happening is what we need as , you said initially the bot is stopping after business exception…if it is stopping then we have to handle that error what is occuring after business exception
Also did you change the business exception transition to end process? Instead of get transaction data