Orchestrator version:
Actual: 2017.1.6547 (Working fine) Trying to update to: 2018.2
Current behavior:
Wizard installer is not working as suppose to work. After Application Pool Settings window is suppose to be Database Configuration Window, instead Ready to Install is showing up. I have downloaded .msi from UiPath URL. I have send a ticket to UiPath helpdesk but they gave me a generic solution and it did not work. My client needs the update because 2017.1 has no support now.
Please check whether you have Dot.Net 4.5 version in your machine or not.
if not available, please updated that first and give a try. Hope that will fix your issue.
Thank you for answer.
We have UiPath Orchestrator 2017.1 working fine already. All the prerequisites for installation are installed and double checked.
We have 2 servers with 2017.1 Licensed Orchestrator running fine. All the prerequisites were checked. On Test server we can run the Wizard Installer and no steps are skipped by the .msi. The problem is when we are executing the wizard on production server, the installer behaviour is different, althought both servers are identical, a replica.
We are waiting to be able to check if maybe a non-controlled windows update changed something. I will let you know.
Thank you for being willing.