Problem with automation in App on RDP Server

Hey guys…

I have the following scenario:
I’m developing a robot that will automate an application that runs on an RDP server.
I’ve already installed “UiPathRemoteRuntime” on the server and made the version of my “UIAutomation.Activities” compatible with the version of “RemoteRunTIme” which in this case is version 22.10.52. (I’m using the community version of Studio).

I created a container with “Use Application/Browser” and indicated as target the DeskTop screen of the server.

What happens is that when I try when I try to click on the App icon that is on the server’s DeskTop it gives the error “The indicated Element does not belong to target application”, As can be seen in the image below.

But if I open the App manually and create another container, indicating the App’s screen as a target, I can interact with the App’s fields without problems, se imagem below.

This is the scenario… does anyone have any suggestions…?

Thanks in advance


I guess in the first one you are indicating the citrix window…instead try indicating the window inside citrix…instead of the application window…may be its lookign at the application window as a different one


Hi… Anil… Thank you by the replay…

But in the first one I am clicking in the midlle of the screen, doing this I am assuming that I am clicking in the Windows DeskTop not in the Citrix.


Can you check the window selector differences between the two application scopes…that would confirm

Alternately we can try sending win+r and then send the application path to start


The selectors are the same. what the second has more are the selectors of the App

Server selector…

Server with App selectors

I’ll try using Windows+r

Thanks for while.


Try opening ui explorer and indicate the icon and check if you can find one more layer down …which can fit in the application browser selector …you can explore from the ui tree in the centre menu…and try using a combination


Hi Anil… thank you for your assistance.

I’ll try to do what you suggest in a near future.
But for while the final solution was to use Windows+r and specify the Appp path.


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