Problem setting up new robot "There already exists a floating robot for..."

Following tutorials, I’ve set up previous robots in orchestrator. Now want to start completely over and really understand how it works. I tried to delete what I had set up and set up a new robot. But now when I try to set up a new robot, I get an “already exists” error. But I thought I deleted all the previous set up robots. I can’t find it or figure out how to delete it.

Here’s what I’m seeing. At Admin level I see this new bot account set up:

There is only one user account, my own under my name.

Under tenant I have this under robots:

Now, I don’t know if these “robots” are actually my personal user account or the ones I previously set up. It doesn’t give me the option of deleting them here.

If I go to “Manage Access” under tenant and go to Robot Accounts tab I see this:

As you can see there are no robot accounts listed.

So, I try to set up the new bot “MyRobot” under tenant and go through the Assign Roles wizard and I get this:

I’m so confused. How to clear out and start over?


In manage access change the roles of terry …remove robots


Can you explain further? What do you mean --remove robots? As I explained, it won’t let me delete them.


Goto tenants-> manage access → edit user → remove robots role


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