"Already exists a floating robot" when updating credentials for unattended robot

I followed the steps to use the unattended license on community orchestrator.

I created the user > assigned to shared folder > edit to unattended and set my windows crendetials. and worked!

In my attemp to redo the process to learn and to and explain to my colleagues. I unassigned the user from shared folder, redeleted the user. and now is not allowing me to use the same Domain/Username with the error “There already exists a floating robot for ns*715*! (#1001)”

for me is some sort of ghost robot for when the first time I set up the unnatended robot, but now does not recognize that I already deleted it.

How long does it take for the Domain/username to be available again?

Under configured robot exists the account with the domain/username I need, but I cannot delete it

you can delete that user that us consuming that one license with that credentials you mentioned

you can delete that using the admin access from tenant. Go to folders and then select the folder you created your user in, there you’ll see option to delete

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You response pointed me to the right answer.

I need to go in to Orchestrator > Tenant > Manage access > Y eliminar desde ahi los roles.

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