Postpone Queue Item not behaving correcting

We have a process that sends whatsapps to a specified group, and then creates a new queue item in a different queue. This new queue item should be used exactly 10 min later for a new process.
I have added postpone times that are 10 min after the queue creation time, but sometimes it takes more than 30 min for that queue item to be processed.

I know on the prem orchestrator you can adjust the time interval that is used to check for new queue items, but we are using the cloud version.

Does anyone have a solution for this? The process is quite an urgent one that NEEDS to happen 10 min after the previous one.

you’re using queue triggers?
do you have available machines and licences?

because with queue triggers & available machine/licence, it should start on time. otherwise, it is a bug and you should contact support team.

Yes I am using queue triggers. And the queue items have high priority and the queue triggers have critical priority.

Navigate to Tenant → Settings. There you should find this option:


As you wrote, queue triggers have a polling interval and as a result you can’t be sure exactly when the job triggers. If you set the trigger to check for unprocessed items with 10 minutes interval, I think it could take up to around 20 minutes for your item to be picked up. (This would happen if you add a new item right after the previous trigger fired and you add a postpone of 10 minutes).

If that’s a problem, you would probably have to work around it a bit. One possible option is to use the Orchestrator API to programmatically create a time trigger that would trigger after 10 minutes. That would involve using the ProcessSchedules api method.

Queue Trigger / Get Transaction Item are driven by the Logic / evaluation which item is next to work on

We could have a chance to do the following (Assumption that QueueItems do have a unique reference)

  • time trigger all 10 mins (or different)
  • ORC Rest Api Call with filter (e.g Status, Creation, Postpone…) on the QueueItems Endpoint
  • Custom evaluation of which next item should be worked on
  • fetching the QueueItem by:
    Activity - Get Transaction Item Activity and:

Also, have a look here:

as we could exploit it for immediate mirroring with a combination of delete Queue Item