I faced a problem with the following pop-up window in outlook, which appears after clicking the “send” button. In our company we have to select one option in the pop-up und click “send” again. In my studio solution the bot doesn´t recognize this window and therefore the mail is not sent.
Did anyone face the same issue and know a solution how to fix it? It is not possible to disable the pop-up window.
Thanks for your response @Ahmad_Rais . I tried to catch the pop-up with Find element, but it doesn´t work. Maybe I put this element at the wrong place. I am using “Use Desktop Outlook App” and Send E-Mail. I tried to use Find element directly after “send e-mail” and also after the whole element of Use Desktop Outlook App. Do you have an idea where I can put find element?
if the pop up happens when trying to send email ,
try to use parallel activity
left side is send email activity
right side is the find element and click send button
The pop up appears directly after clicking the send button in outlook.
I tried the parallel activity. When I use the click function I cannot use it for outlook. I just can choose edge or Excel but not the option to click in the pop-up.