Outlook move email to subtotal

The company has given me access to a payroll inbox. In the folder is a completed inbox that I want to move the emails to the completed sub folder. See below screenshot of build. I am able to read the emails just can’t move it.


What is the error that you are facing here?

The steps seems to be correct, only one thing If the two sub folders are in different folder then in the Move Mail Activity, path should be “Folder\SubFolder”

Also try manually logging the mail, that is required to check if you have the access to do so considering it is a shared mailbox.


The above is the error message. I don’t understand what you mean my manually logging the mail. I’m able to manully move the mail into the other mail box

yes that error, folder doesn’t exist means we have not given the full path. Please give the full path of that folder

destination folder should be like this "Payroll\EIF (STORES)\Completed"

Format should be “Inbox\Subfolder”

Hope this helps a bit!

That still doesn’t work I have tired that. If you can provide a screenshot

I have also tried this combination as well

in account, you need tu mention the actual email address of that shared mailbox

That was the actual email Payroll. I have that in the get outlook message activity in account as well and that works with that activity it just doesn’t work with the move activity. I have even tried switching to the actual address still no luck. I’m just assuming uipath doesn’t read shared subfolders

I’ve worked with the shared mailbox and their SubFolder. It works well.

Try with some other combination of source and destination folder to verify if that is happening with only SubFolder or Main Folders only.