Outlook 365 Default Account

When using Outlook 365 to send emails, is it possible to set it up so that the Account by default is whatever account is integrated on that machine? Meaning that the process automatically uses the Outlook account of the person who’s machine the process is running on. This would eliminate the need to change the Outlook account manually if running the process on a different machine.

As far as I know, Outlook 365 forces you to select an account



if you leave as default ideally that would be the case


Hi @jpreziuso ,

Yes. In the “Send Outlook Mail Message” activity, leave the Account field blank. When this field is empty, UiPath defaults to the primary Outlook account configured on the local machine.

I don’t think this is possible with Outlook 365 as it requires you to select an account

I don’t think this is possible with Outlook 365 as it requires you to select an account


you need to use ‘use desktop outlook app’ activity


When I try to use Desktop Outlook, I get the following error

Is the account properly set up in the machine you’re running it on?


Is a outlook app installed?


Yes Outlook is installed. I am not sure if it is a organizational security issue or not

Yes I have an outlook account set up on the machine. As for it being set up properly, I believe it is but it could possibly be an organizational security setting


if it is a company laptop then yes there might be some restrictions in place


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Yeah, it’s likely a security issue as the interop itself is throwing an error.
However, just to be sure, you can try running the same piece of workflow on your personal machine to check if the issue still persists.